climate change
Record melt of Greenland ice sheet in 2019 as half-a-trillion tonnes of ice lost
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India’s health budget is not enough to tackle impending climate disasters, warn experts
Disha Shetty,
More people will die of extreme heat than of all infectious diseases combined
Soumya Sarkar
Holes bored in the Western Ghats offer clues to climate change in the past
Sahana Ghosh
Climate change is threatening the livelihoods of women seaweed harvesters in Tamil Nadu
Anuradha Nagaraj, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Could the campaign that made Swedes give up flying take off globally after the coronavirus crisis?
Avit K Bhowmik, The Conversation
Eco India: Small apple growers are reaping profits by becoming owners of a sustainable value chain
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My search for the world’s most filmed polar bear led me to a fascinating and tragic world
Henry Anderson-Elliott, The Conversation
Eco India, Episode 74: How supporting local producers could aid in the fight for climate justice
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Greta Thunberg to donate 1 million-euro prize to climate groups
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‘If you are going to get healthy, you have to admit that you are sick’: Activist Greta Thunberg
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Eco India: Meet the farmers moonlighting as filmmakers to ensure knowledge is shared among peers
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Eco India, Episode 72: Coping with the changing climate by harnessing the power of technology
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The post-coronavirus world may not be as egalitarian as we expect it to be
Paul Maylam, The Conversation
Tensions between India, China and Nepal could hinder climate research in the Himalayas
Ramesh Bhushal
Why tree-plantation drives to fight climate risk may be counterproductive
Bhasker Tripathi,
Twitter users are more likely to outrage when it’s cold outside, suggests new study
Heather R Stevens, The Conversation Ivan Charles Hanigan, The Conversation Paul Beggs, The Conversation Petra Graham, The Conversation
India’s heatwaves will intensify four-fold by 2100, says its first climate assessment report
Mayank Aggarwal
India’s two cyclones, locust outbreak, marine heatwaves – and their climate change link
Roxy Mathew Koll
Eco India, Episode 68: Moving from place to place can be more sustainable in a post-Covid 19 world
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